Ways to Give
Your generous contributions help Temple Beth El survive and thrive! We are proud to be the center of Jewish life in Pierce County—your support allows our congregation to continue offering effective educational programs and exciting activities that bring our community together. We have a variety of giving options you can choose from. (See our various funds for reference.)
Temple Funds
Gifts to Temple Beth El funds and programs are an important element of temple life, and are acknowledged monthly in our bulletin. You can designate your gift to be in honor of someone, in memory of a loved one or friend, in celebration of a simcha (such as a birth, bris, b-mitzvah, engagement, marriage, retirement, get well, birthday, anniversary, yahrzeit, or an award or other honor), or as a thank you to someone who has helped you or our congregation.
Barbara Binder Kadden Artist-in-Residence Fund
Brings Jewish artists to Temple Beth El for a day, a weekend or longer to engage the community—both youth and adults—in creating and learning about Jewish art.
Barde Fund
Established by a gift from Warren and Adelyn Barde in 2002, this endowment fund supports programs for Temple Beth El youth. Other members of the community may donate to this fund.
Beautification Fund
This fund underwrites aesthetic improvements to the temple building, gardens, and grounds.
Provides financial support to the ongoing needs of the Brotman Early Learning Center.
Building and Building Maintenance Funds
For capital improvements to our facility. Contributions in the past have gone toward projects like replacing the building’s roof and other major repairs and upgrades.
Cantor Fund
This fund provides financial support for music and other music-related items for the cantor and choir for the purpose of enhancing worship within the congregation.
Cantor Leah Elstein Fund
Maintained by contributions from congregants and community members to bring Jewish musicians to Temple Beth El to enrich our religious school and the congregation and to provide support for other enrichment programs for our religious school students.
Cantor's Discretionary Fund
This fund is maintained by contributions from congregants and community members to provide the cantor with a financial source for assisting temple or Tacoma community individuals needing special support. Also serves the purpose of supporting the synagogue and its programs, children of members to attend Jewish camps, retreats, or other Jewish programs, and other charitable organizations.
Endowment Fund
Temple members may make gifts of $5,000 or higher to this fund. The income from the fund is used to help ensure the temple’s future.
General Fund
To help keep the temple operating.
New Millennium Fund
Established in 2013 to provide perpetual support of Temple Beth El. Maintained by contributions from congregants. The primary objective for the investment funds is to support the operations of Temple Beth El in perpetuity.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
This fund is maintained by contributions from congregants and community members to provide the rabbi with a financial source for assisting temple or Tacoma community individuals needing special support. Also serves the purpose of supporting the synagogue and its programs, children of members to attend Jewish camps, retreats, or other Jewish programs, and other charitable organizations.
Rabbi Richard Rosenthal Continuing Jewish Education Fund
This fund supports and encourages educational opportunities that benefit Temple Beth El and the Tacoma Jewish community. Examples include financial support to teachers, students and congregants wishing to extend their expertise in music, art, liturgy, Hebrew, Torah, leadership, and education.
Reach for the Stars Fund
This fund provides extraordinary, non-budgeted improvements to the quality of religious school education at Temple Beth El.
Religious School Fund
Maintained by contributions from congregants and fund raising programs sponsored by Sisterhood, this fund serves the general and special needs of the Temple Beth El religious school.
Reutlinger Music Fund
Established by a donation from the Reutlinger family, this fund is supported annually by contributions from temple members. The Reutlinger Music Fund helps to bring exciting Jewish concerts to temple and the Tacoma community.
Rose Sherman Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1991 by gifts from the Rose and William Sherman estate. Annual investment income and additional contributions from congregants are used to help families of temple youth requiring financial aid to attend Jewish camps or educational programs.
Security Fund
To provide security at special Temple Beth El events, including, but not limited to hiring off-duty law enforcement officers; providing security education and training for staff and congregants; and to make facility modifications as deemed necessary for security. Fund sources deposited into this fund come from annual security assessments by congregants and donations identified specifically for security.
Special Programs Fund
Goes toward projects like bringing a special performer or speaker to town.
Tuition Assistance Program
Created to allow individuals to contribute to a program that subsidizes the scholarship monies available for our religious school and summer camp programs.
Young Families Fund
This fund provides support to Temple Beth El’s programming that engages our families with young children (under 6) in congregational life.
Sun, March 30 2025
1 Nisan 5785
Today's Calendar
: 9:30am |
: 10:00am |
: 10:00am |
: 11:30am |
Community Lunch : 12:00pm |
: 12:00pm |
: 12:30pm |
: 12:30pm |
: 1:00pm |
Friday Night
Judaica Shop : 5:30pm |
: 5:45pm |
: 6:30pm |
Candle Lighting : 7:26pm |
Shabbat Day
: 9:00am |
: 10:00am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 30 |
Mar 30 |
Mar 30 |
Mar 30 |
Mar 30 |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat Vayikra
Shabbat, Apr 5 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Apr 4, 7:26pm |
Erev Passover
Shabbat, Apr 12 |
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