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Tikkun Olam

The ancient Jewish value of commitment to tikkun olam, repairing our broken world, is another important element of congregational life. As Jews, our job is to do whatever we can to help make this world a better place.

About Tikkun Olam

Tikkun Olam, our social justice committee, devotes our efforts to helping those in our community through financial support and volunteer efforts. We support immigrant justice rights, homelessness causes, and fighting hunger throughout Pierce County.

Our one fundraiser for the year is a food drive at Rosh HaShanah that supports Jackson Street Food Bank and Nourish Pierce County. Jackson Street Food Bank is a collaboration with St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. We also work with St. Mark's Lutheran Church and their backpack program to provide food to students kindergarten through twelfth grade who are food insecure. We collect perishable items as well as funds that are sent to Nourish Pierce County, the umbrella organization for many food banks in Pierce County.

This committee meets monthly and we look to partner with other organizations in Pierce County doing this good work, such as Associated Ministries, Catholic Community Services, and the Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Justice.

Sun, March 30 2025 1 Nisan 5785