L’Shanah tovah tikateivu! May you be inscribed for a good year. Our High Holy Day services are right around the corner, and we're excited to come together! S'lichot is coming up on September 28, and we are thrilled to present "Old-sach" and Nusach, a concert with cantorial soloist Raymond Zachary, at the service.
There is still plenty of time to mark your calendars and register for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur passes if you aren't a member! At this time, you must pick up your pass at temple during office hours or when you arrive for the service you registered for. Registration can be found at this link.
If you are a member of Temple Beth El, you should have received your pass in the mail—if you have not yet received the High Holy Day booklet containing your pass, please contact the office. If you have family members in town that would also like to attend services, or if you are a member of another synagogue, please contact Olivia at olivia@tbetacoma.org about passes.
For the full schedule of services, non-member registration, Book of Remembrance submissions, and more information about the High Holy Day Food Drive, please visit the High Holy Day page of the TBE website.
What's happening at TBE?
Friday: Erev Shabbat Service (Multi-access) Friday, September 20, 6:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to join us online or in person for an Erev Shabbat service. Join us at 5:45 p.m., before the service, for an oneg sponsored by Josh and Judy Kay in honor of their 52nd wedding anniversary on August 27.
Live streaming services: – The Erev Shabbat Facebook event can be found here. – You can watch services on the TBE YouTube channel here. – The streaming player for online services can be found on our website here (click "play" and this feature will work after services begin).
Saturday: Torah Study and Shabbat Service (Multi-access) Saturday, September 21, 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Our Saturday worship experience begins with Torah study from 9:00–9:45 a.m. This will be followed by services beginning at 10:00 a.m. (online and in person). At the conclusion of the service, the community is invited to join us in the social hall for a potluck pescatarian kiddush luncheon!
A Global Reform Movement Commemoration of October 7 Sunday, September 29, 10:00 a.m. Join the Reform Movement around the world as we come together to commemorate one year since October 7, 2023. This event marks the beginning of our season of memory, a time for reflection and renewal as we approach the High Holy Days. Through shared stories, inspiring messages, and communal ritual, we will honor the experiences of the past year and set our intentions for the future. This online gathering will offer a space for connection and solidarity, featuring content and texts that you may also use during the upcoming month of holidays and remembrance. Register here.
Walking Through the Shadow of October 7 Sunday, October 6, 7:15–9:15 p.m. Limmud Seattle is hosting community-wide event in the form of several small gatherings in people's homes. As we approach the 1-year anniversary of October 7, we confront the tragedy while also confronting ourselves during the Yamim Noraim (High Holy Days). How do we acknowledge the suffering of our history while moving forward through Yom Kippur toward hope and light on the other side? We hope these community-wide Limmud gatherings will create deeper connections with others and allow us to share our griefs and hopes. If you are interested, please click here to register.
Our Hope Is Not Yet Lost:
Prayers of Memory and Strength after a Year of War Monday, October 7, 7:00-8:00 p.m. Rabbi Gorban will lead us in prayer as we mark one year since the devastation of October 7, 2023. Come together with the TBE congregation to grieve and find a pathway to hope again.
Save the Date
Divorce & Discovery: A Jewish Healing Retreat at BB Camp Thursday, October 17–Sunday, October 20, 2024 Join us for a transformative long weekend of Jewish healing, community building, and self-discovery at the beautiful BB Camp in the PNW! This retreat is designed for anyone who has faced the challenges of divorce or the end of a long-term relationship, offering support and guidance through Jewish rituals, wisdom, and community. Click here for details.
Seeking Auction Donations–Deadline Extended Auction Donation Forms are now due September 23. Please submit information, values, and photos of your donation item, service, or experience via this online form. Contact Stacy Van Wagoner with questions about the form at stacyvanwagoner@gmail.com. Thank you for your auction contributions–and be sure to watch your email for an invitation to our exciting Denim & Diamonds Event! Sisterhood Judaica Shop Open Position Do you enjoy being involved with retail? Do you have experience in this area? Sisterhood has a vacancy in our Judaica Shop and is looking for someone who might be interested in managing our shop. The manager would be mentored, would set up a flexible schedule dependent on her needs, would be in charge of scheduling volunteers who would work in the shop, and would handle reordering needed items. If you are interested, please contact sisterhood@tbetacoma.org.
High Holy Day Food Drive Food security is a huge concern in our community, with 1 in 10 Pierce County individuals wondering where their next meal will come from. We encourage everyone to come together in raising donations for the Emergency Food Network (EFN), a Pierce County program that supports those struggling to find food. At our Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur services, and during September, you can collect a bag to fill with items the EFN has listed as most crucial (including non-perishables, feminine products, and baby care items). Alternatively, you can participate by making a monetary donation–every $1 you donate allows EFN to distribute 2 meals to neighbors in need. We aim to raise $5,000 for our community, and you can contribute through this page.
Volunteer with Advocates for Immigrants in Detention AIDNW is looking for those with ESL experience or who have taught in a foreign country to work with detainees at the Northwest ICE Detention Center. If you possess this experience and would like more information, please reach out to volunteercoordinator@aidnw.org.
Jewish Community Relations Council Survey Every year, the JCRC prepares for a lobby day in Olympia. The last Jewish lobby day was February 15, 2024. Those in attendance were able to talk with their Washington State representatives or their aides regarding Holocaust education, hate crimes, hate crime victims' compensation and defacement that is attached to bias, among other issues of concern. The preparation for our lobby day in 2025 begins with a community-wide survey. Please complete the surveyhere by September 30 to help determine the legislative policy for the upcoming year. A thank you goes out from Vivian Morrison, JCRC rep.
Judaica Shop Hours Reminder that the shop is still currently closed. The opening date will be announced sometime in the fall. If you have any inquiries surrounding the Judaica Shop, please contact sisterhood@tbetacoma.org.
Contact the Clergy If you have a question or concern you would like to share with the clergy, please email Rabbi Gorban at rabbigorban@tbetacoma.org.
Tachlis (the bottom line)
Submitting an event or announcement to Shabbat Shalom
If you have an item you would like included in this weekly bulletin, please email it to frontdesk@tbetacoma.orgby noon on Wednesday. Submissions must adhere to the guidelines, which may be found here.
For the URJ's transliteration guidelines,click here. Please note that submissions that do not follow these guidelines may not be accepted.
To have a copy of the guidelines emailed to you, simply reply to this email