Schmooze Before the SpielSaturday, March 23, 5:30 p.m.
Join us in costume for beer, wine, and nibbles before our Purim spiel and M'gillah reading at TBE! This event is open to adults ages 18+ with ID. Please buy tickets and RSVP here by Friday, March 22 at 4:00 p.m. Tickets are $10/member and $15/non-member. Cost at the door is $15/member and $20/non-member as long as food and drink are available. For questions, contact Lana at or (253) 564-7107.
Sisterhood Meeting
Tuesday, March 26, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
All Sisterhood members and potential members are encouraged to join us in the Social Hall for some substantial snacking at our monthly general meeting! Immediately after, our very own Deb Freedman, a published author and historian, will tell us all about the history of Sisterhood. A Zoom option will be emailed to all members.
Jewish Book Club
Tuesday, April 2, 11:00 a.m.
Join us in the meeting room, next to the sanctuary, as we discuss Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska. Do you like to read good books about Jewish subjects or by Jewish authors? Join the book club on the first Tuesday of each month. Please contact Carol Umbehocker at (253) 719-8040 or to RSVP, get more information, or to be put on the Temple Beth El Jewish book club email list.
Welcoming the Stranger Past and Present
Wednesday, April 3, 7:00–8:30 p.m.
Join the Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Justice (JCIJ) for a powerful fundraising event towards the JCIJ's efforts to support newly arrived migrants. The event features graphic novelist Josh Tuininga, author of We Are Not Strangers, uncovering his family’s story of Sephardic Jewish solidarity with Japanese Americans in Seattle during internment. Speakers will include Stan Shikuma from Tsuru for Solidarity Seattle, Andrea Soroko Naar (co-founder of JCIJ), and our very own Marlene Motola! Tickets are $36.00. For more information or to purchase tickets, click here.
StandWithUs 2024 Community Reception
Sunday, April 7, 5:30 p.m.
StandWithUs invites community members to their 2024 annual Community Reception. StandWithUs will be recognizing heroes nominated by the community that have been champions for Israel or made an impact in our community since October 7. The menu will include a delicious assortment of appetizers including a charcuterie station, vegetable samosas with curried aioli drizzle, mini chicken taquitos with salsa verde, cedar plank salmon skewers, mini martini salads, Israeli wines, soft drinks and more! VIP Reception at 5:30 p.m.; General Reception at 6:00 p.m.; Program begins at 7:00 p.m. For more information, to purchase tickets, or to nominate a hero, click here.
Save the Date
Volunteer Appreciation Shabbat: Nominate a Candidate for Volunteer of the Year
Friday, April 12, 6:30 p.m.
Our community runs on the power of volunteers! To honor the hard work and dedication of our volunteers, we will have a special Shabbat service, and we are currrently looking for nominations for a Volunteer of the Year. If you know someone who has gone above and beyond in the past 12 months, please email Becca at with a short description of your nominee's volunteer accomplishments (self-nominations are welcome). Nominate someone today!
Sisterhood Women's Seder
Saturday, April 27, 4:30–6:30 p.m.
All female-identifying TBE members and their female-identifying guests are invited to attend the annual Sisterhood Women’s Seder. The menu will be pescatarian and kosher for Passover. We will be having gefilte fish with shredded slaw, matzah ball soup, garden salad, crustless vegetable quiche, eggplant rollatini, carrots with a tzimmes-style glaze, and flourless chocolate cake. Attendees are invited to bring charoset or a dozen boiled eggs to share. Tickets are $18.00 for adults and $10.00 for girls aged 5–17. Register here by Wednesday, April 24 to attend. For questions, please email Madeline Pimentel Diaz at
Cantor Fine's Retirement Weekend
Friday May 3, 5:30 p.m., and Saturday May 4, 5:00 p.m.
RSVP for Cantor Geoffrey Fine’s retirement celebration weekend.
There will be a Friday evening family Shabbat with a pre-oneg sponsored by the Shir Simcha choir, and a gala dinner and TBE fundraiser on Saturday evening. To RSVP for the gala dinner, please go here. To make your submission for the Tribute Book or offer a sponsorship for the evening, go here. For questions, contact Alice Greenwood at or Sue Burget at