Friday: Erev Shabbat Service (Multi-access) Friday, February 16, 6:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to join us online or in person for an Erev Shabbat service. Join us before the service for an oneg at 5:45 p.m., sponsored by Bob and Joan Garden in honor of Bob's 89th birthday.
Live streaming services: – The Erev Shabbat Facebook event can be found here. – You can watch services on the TBE YouTube channel here. – The streaming player for online services can be found on our website here (click "play" and this feature will work after services begin).
Saturday: Torah Study and Shabbat Service (Multi-access) Saturday, February 17, 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Our Saturday worship experience begins with Torah study from 9:00–9:45 a.m. This will be followed by services beginning at 10:00 a.m. (online and in person). All are invited! At the conclusion of the service, all are invited to join in for a potluck kiddush luncheon! (Dishes can be pescatarian.)
Sunday, February 25, 12:00 p.m. Attention Home of Peace members—the Annual Membership Meeting for the Home of Peace Cemetery Association will be held on Sunday, February 25, at 12:00 p.m. in the temple chapel. If you need a Zoom link, contact All members of the Home of Peace Cemetery Association are encouraged to attend.
Mishloach Manot: Caramel Crew Wednesday, February 28, 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Learn to create sweet creamy caramels by helping to stir, cut, wrap, and package, all while working and laughing (and maybe sampling) with others. Recipe provided. Volunteer shifts are available between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Can’t make it on the 28th? To volunteer or donate, please contact Deb Freedman at
Understanding Israel & Gaza ( Sunday, March 3, 9:00–10:30 a.m. This educational program will cover the historical context of Israel and Gaza and the origins and ongoing development of the conflict. This special session will be taught by Rabbi Lawrence Englander, Rabbi Emeritus of Solel Congregation in Mississauga, Ontario and co-editor of The Fragile Dialogue: New Voices in Liberal Zionism. The fee for this program is $25. Registration includes options for reduced fees for those who are unable to pay the full amount. Register here. HFLA's Champagne Brunch Sunday, March 3, 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Come to HFLA's Champagne Brunch and enjoy mimosas, bagels, and warm blintzes at the Mercer Island Community Center. You can enter a raffle for exciting prizes, bid on getaway experiences, enter an auction for a dinner at Canlis restaurant, or just enjoy good company and good food, catered by Leah's Kosher Cooking. This event will include Rabbi Jay Levine as its keynote speaker. This is a ticketed event, fundraising in support of the programs that help our Jewish community across the state. Space is limited; buy tickets here.
Song as a Channel for Blessing with Batya Levine (Temple Beth Hatifilot) Sunday, March 3, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Drawing on the concept of aliyot - being called up to bless and be blessed by the chanting of the Torah - this program will interweave song with ritual in a co-created group space to call prayers into the song, and call the song into our prayers. This program will explore the concept of blessings, learn melodies, and have space to give and receive the blessing of song together. To register, click here. For questions, call Temple Beth Hatifilot at (360) 754-8519.
Save the Date Sisterhood Hamantaschen Bake Sunday, March 10, 12:00–3:00 p.m. Join us in the social hall for Sisterhood's annual hamantaschen bake. The hamantaschen that you make will be sold at the Purim carnival, in support of our community! Many volunteers are needed; this event is open to all adults of the TBE community. If you have any questions and/or would like to volunteer, contact Kerry Geffen or at (253) 228-4105. Cantor Fine's Retirement Weekend Friday May 3, 5:30 p.m. and Saturday May 4, 5:00 p.m. Save the dates for Cantor Geoffrey Fine’s retirement celebration weekend. There will be a Friday evening family Shabbat with a pre-oneg sponsored by the Shir Simcha choir, and a retirement dinner and fundraiser at TBE Saturday evening. More information to come soon. For questions, contact Alice Greenwood at or Sue Burget at
Critical Need: Donate to Support Asylum Seekers in Need of Housing Adrien Helander of Temple B’nai Torah in Bellevue has reached out to request our aid with a local refugee crisis. Riverton Park United Methodist Church (RPUMC), a sister congregation of Temple B’nai Torah, has been hosting a shelter for asylum-seeking refugees for over a year. The refugees were recently moved to a hotel, Sleep Inn SeaTac Airport, to protect them from the cold. However, the funding that was promised was ultimately not forthcoming, and 160 refugees, consisting of 90 families and some individuals, are now facing eviction on Wednesday, February 28. There is a dire need for monetary donations to keep these people housed. Donate here, and include “Sleep Inn Sea Tac” in the notes section. To contact Adrien Helander with any questions, call (425) 248-7459 or email If you are interested in hosting a refugee or refugee family, please reach out to Martha Foster Lucas, RPUMC Program Coordinator Consultant at (206) 482-9122.
Sisterhood's Mishloach Manot Fundraiser Participate in Sisterhood's only fundraiser by purchasing Mishloach Manot, gifts of food and more to give to friends to celebrate Purim. Each box purchased gives back to the community in so many ways, from Break-the-Fast to the Latke Fry for the Hanukkah Party, from reestablishing the Children's Library to religious school snacks, the BBYO Kick-Off party for teens, the Family Shabbat program, and more. Purchase your boxes here and participate today! The deadline to order is Friday, March 8. If you have questions, please contact Mady Plumer at
Mishloach Manot Volunteers Needed Many hands make light work, so please help Sisterhood put together and distribute Mishloach Manot. Join us for one or more of the upcoming volunteer opportunities: February 28: Caramel Crew (see the Upcoming Events for more info) March 10: Hamantaschen Bake (see the Upcoming Events for more info) March 14–19: Fill the Purim boxes with wonderful, donated treats. Contact Alice Greenwood March 22–24: Distribute boxes at TBE and/or deliver boxes to those who can't come in, contact Jaqueline Kleiner at
Community Passover Seder Volunteer Opportunity Big thanks to Aubrey Sagalovich and Mel Abbot for answering the call to volunteer for the Adult Purim Costume Party & the Community Passover Seder! We still need one or two more folks to join Aubrey and Mel for the Seder to make sure it's a success. (Seder is on Tuesday, April 24 at 6:00 p.m.) Contact Becca at or (253) 564-7101 x102
Nominate a Hero (StandWithUs) StandWithUs invites community members to nominate a heroes that have been champions for Israel or made an impact in our community since October 7. Heroes will be recognized as part of the StandWithUs Northwest Community Reception, which will be on Sunday, April 7 at Seattle Town Hall. Possible areas of service for recognition include enlisting in the IDF, organizing rallies for Israel, working to fight antisemitism, bringing awareness to the hostages, or raising money for a cause. Honorees and a guest will be invited to attend the reception at no charge. For more information and to nominate a hero for recognition, clickhere.
Volunteers Needed for Youth Cooking Classes Do you have a passion for cooking? Looking for members of the TBE community to lead our students in learning to cook the foods of our people. Email Madeline Pimentel Diaz for additional information. Teen Leadership Council Teen Leadership Council (TLC) brings students together online to grow their knowledge of Israel, learn how to effectively combat antisemitism, and develop leadership skills. It is open to all high school students and the next session begins on Sunday, February 4. The TLC members meet virtually five times during the semester with StandWithUs professional staff to cover various educational topics and to engage with their peers. At the end of the program, TLC helps participants create an educational program for their peers in their schools and communities. Interested teens should applyhere.
Reminder: Temple Board Meeting The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 20, at 6:30 p.m. See the Bulletin for more information.
If you attend Saturday services online and wish to purchase your own copy of the Mishkan T'filah (the prayer book used at our Shabbat services), the Judaica Shop has them in stock. Come and check out our Pride items and sale table. Jewelry Sale: all items are 20% off.
Masks are not required but are highly recommended for all.
To keep our community healthy and avoid any service closures, we strongly recommend wearing a mask while at the temple.
Tachlis (the bottom line)
Submitting an event or announcement to Shabbat Shalom
If you have an item you would like included in this weekly bulletin, please email it to olivia@tbetacoma.orgby noon on Wednesday. Submissions must adhere to the guidelines, which may be found here.
For the URJ's transliteration guidelines,click here. Please note that submissions that do not follow these guidelines may not be accepted.
To have a copy of the guidelines emailed to you, simply reply to this email with a message to that effect.