Friday: Erev Shabbat Service (Multi-access) Friday, December 22, 6:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to join us online or in person for an Erev Shabbat service. Join us before the service for an oneg at 5:45 p.m.
Live streaming services: – The Erev Shabbat Facebook event can be found here. – You can watch services on the TBE YouTube channel here. – The streaming player for online services can be found on our website here (click "play" and this feature will work after services begin).
Saturday: Torah Study and Shabbat Service (Multi-access) Saturday, December 23, 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Our Saturday worship experience begins with Torah study from 9:00–9:45 a.m. This will be followed by services beginning at 10:00 a.m. (online and in person). All are invited! At the conclusion of the service, all are invited to join in for a potluck kiddush luncheon! (Dishes can be pescatarian.)
Snow Day with TBE Wednesday, December 27, 12:00–5:00 p.m. Drop off the kids for a fun "snow day" indoors. We will have snowballs, art, snacks, movies, games, and more! Come and enjoy winter fun, activities, and games. For questions, please contact Madi at Register here. Sisterhood Social: Dim Sum and Mah-Jongg Thursday, December 28, 5:00–8:00 p.m. Sisterhood of TBE is hosting a dim sum and mah-jongg social for Sisterhood members and their families (ages 13 & up), featuring a special drawing during the event. There will be Asain-inspired cod and vegetarian dim sum, along with Chinese snacks and tea. Beginners are welcome! No prior mah-jongg experience required. The cost is $10/person or $20/family. Pay via Zelle by sending payment to Cash or check will also be accepted. To RSVP, please email Bunny Peters at no later than 5 p.m. on December 21.
Brotherhood Meeting: Invitation to Join Tuesday, January 9, 6:30 p.m. Brotherhood is a group focused on building cammaraderie through social events and services. Brotherhood is not gender-exclusionary—all are welcome. Brotherhood is predominately a social group with volunteer opportunities within our community. Meetings are the second Tuesdays of the month in the social hall. For questions, please contact
Keshet: Growing Today’s Jewish Families: New Spiritual and Ethical Perspectives (Zoom) Sunday, January 14, 4:30–6:00 p.m. (Multiple Sessions) If you’re on the journey to parenthood and considering options such as adoption or foster care, help from surrogates, and more, Keshet invites you to learn more at online sessions through a Jewish and LGBTQ+ friendly lens. Cosponsored by Keshet and multiple other organizations. Registerhere.
Jewish Art: Mandala Class Wednesday, January 17, 4:30–6:30 p.m. Join us for a free art class led by Alix Mullins. For questions, please contact Madi at Register here.
Keshet: How to Hold an Inclusive B'Mitzvah (Zoom) Wednesday, January17, 7:00–8:30 p.m. Wondering how to plan an inclusive b’mitzvah for a queer child in your life? Curious about different kinds of b’mitvah celebrations? Join the Miles Nadal JCC and Keshet for a zoom workshop on inclusive b’mitzvah from an LGBTQ+ lens led by Keshet’s Associate Director of Education & Training, Rabbi Lonnie Kleinman. Registerhere.
Save the Date 6th Annual National Refugee Shabbat Friday, February 2, 6:30 p.m. The Jewish community across North America comes together for the sixth annual HIAS National Refugee Shabbat on Friday, February 2, 2024. Temple Beth El is delighted to have invited the Tacoma Refugee Choir to our Shabbat service.
Tacoma Jewish Community Fund:Israel Urgently Needs Your Help Join with those who have already given more than $30,000 to the Tacoma Jewish Community Fund’s special appeal for Israel. Funds raised provide a dynamic, holistic, and comprehensive assessment to support immediate and urgent needs, such as medical care, emergency services, evacuation, transport, housing, resources for victims of terror, trauma relief and psychological support, as well as preparing for medium- and long-term needs.
It is easy to make your donation by credit card when you visit our safe and secure web site: Just use the tab Donate, then Select Fund, and choose Israeli Social Services and Disaster Relief from the drop-down options. If you prefer to donate with a check, send your donation, marked for Israel Special Appeal, to:
Tacoma Jewish Community Fund P.O. Box 64831 University Place, WA 98464
Or you can call Judith Florence at (253) 752-3621 to donate by credit card, if you prefer.
Sisterhood's Mishloach Manot Fundraiser: Donate Items to Fill Purim Boxes "They are to observe these days of feasting and gladness, and for sending delicacies to one another, and giving gifts to the poor." (Esther 9:22)
As Sisterhood's only fundraiser, donating small items or purchasing a box or two gives back to the temple community in so many ways. Donate to Sisterhood's annual project to fulfill the Purim mitzvah of mishloach manot: sharing delicious treats with temple congregants, friends, and family. Is there something you could make or buy in bulk to help make the boxes more festive? Can you donate to help cover the cost of the supplies? You can also participate by baking hamantaschen with Sisterhood and helping to assemble, mail, or deliver boxes so we can all share in the joy of Purim.
Please contact procurement co-chairs Jani Doctor at (253) 223-4705 or, or Deb Freedman at (253) 377-4157.
Jewish Family Service Volunteer Opportunities Jewish Family Service needs regular weekly and monthly volunteers, along with on-call volunteers and substitutes to help with monthly food deliveries and fill-ins for volunteer shifts. For more information, please visit:
Advocates for Immigrants in Detention: Donations Needed Advocates for Immigrants in Detention (AIDNW) needs new or nicely used men’s shoes, sizes 7–10. All sizes of men’s coats hats and gloves are also needed, along with backpacks and/or duffle bags. The AIDNW Office has moved to 6445 S. Montgomery St., Tacoma 98405. If you have items to donate, to receive the AIDNW monthly newsletter, and/or receive information about volunteering, contact the office volunteer at
End of the Semester for Religious School The last day of Hebrew class for this semester was Wednesday, December 6, and the last day of Religious School was Sunday, December 10. We will return from winter break for Hebrew on Wednesday, January 3, and we will resume Religious School the following Sunday, January 7.
Reminder: Temple Board Meeting The November and December board meeting was held on Tuesday, December 5. The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 16, at 6:30 p.m.
If you attend Saturday services online and wish to purchase your own copy of the Mishkan T'filah (the prayer book used at our Shabbat services), the Judaica Shop has them in stock. Come and check out our new Pride items and sale table.
Masks are not required but are highly recommended for all.
To keep our community healthy and avoid any service closures, we strongly recommend wearing a mask while at the temple.
Tachlis (the bottom line)
Submitting an event or announcement to Shabbat Shalom
If you have an item you would like included in this weekly bulletin, please email it to olivia@tbetacoma.orgby noon on Wednesday. Submissions must adhere to the guidelines, which may be found here.
For the URJ's transliteration guidelines,click here. Please note that submissions that do not follow these guidelines may not be accepted.
To have a copy of the guidelines emailed to you, simply reply to this email with a message to that effect.