Saturday Shabbat Service and Bat Mitzvah of Mira Selkin: 10:00 a.m. (multi-access)
Community Level—Low
Current Protocol:
Masks are not required but are highly recommended for all.
To keep our community healthy and avoid any service closures, we strongly recommend wearing a mask while at the temple.
What's happening at TBE?
Friday: Erev Shabbat Service (Multi-access) Friday, October 20, 6:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to join us online or in person for an Erev Shabbat service. Join us before the service for an oneg at 5:45 p.m., in the main foyer, sponsored by Sisterhood in honor of the bat mitzvah of Mira Selkin.
Live streaming services: The Erev Shabbat Facebook event can be found here. You can watch services on the TBE YouTube channel here. The streaming player for online services can be found on our website here (click "play" and this feature will work after services begin).
Saturday: Torah Study, Shabbat Service and Bat Mitzvah of Mira Selkin (Multi-access) Saturday, October 21, 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Our Saturday worship experience begins with Torah study from 9:00–9:45 a.m. This will be followed by services and the bat mitzvah of Mira Selkin beginning at 10:00 a.m. (online and in person). All are invited! At the conclusion of the service, the community is invited to join the family for a kiddush luncheon in the social hall.
Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle: Finding Our Voices: Communicating at Times of Stress & Overwhelm (Zoom) Wednesday, October 25, 12:00 p.m. As we continue to witness the tragic events in Israel, we as a community have experienced a sense of stress and overwhelming grief, such as we have not seen in decades. Despite the uncertainty and helplessness we may be feeling, in our learning together we will draw support from the deep well of Jewish teaching and wisdom, asking: How can we process our grief and yet make space to find strength in community and support one another? Presenters: Rabbi Samuel Klein (Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle) & Rabbi Laura Rumpf (JFS Seattle), featuring musical artist Chava Mirel. Please register here.
Union of Reform Judaism: Pursuing Justice (Online) Wednesday, October 25, 5:00 p.m. Discover how the “pursuit of justice” is woven throughout Judaism. Explore spiritual approaches to engaging with the work of making the world a better place. Consider models for your own individual and communal social activism. A second session occurs on November 1. Please register here.
Mississippi Summer (Seattle Jewish Theater Company) Sunday, November 5, 2:00 p.m. Temple Beth El will be hosting a performance of Mississippi Summer. Written and directed by Art Feinglass, the historically based play is set in the summer of 1965 when hundreds of young volunteers traveled to Mississippi to work for civil rights. It focuses on three of those volunteers, two of them Jewish, on the outspoken local rabbi, and on a dynamic Black civil rights leader. The play will be performed by the Seattle Jewish Theater Company at Seattle and Tacoma venues, including Temple Beth El, in the fall. This performance is sponsored by Lamed Vav and is free to the public.
Tacoma Jewish Community Fund: Support Israel in Its Time of Need On October 7, Israel came under attack from Hamas terrorists during the festival of Simchat Torah. The loss of life, property, and security has been great. You can help Israel respond to the senseless aggression, and you can help those impacted as they recover and rebuild their lives. Please donate to the Tacoma Jewish Community Fund’s special appeal for Israel. Your donation will support the victims of terror by helping rebuild damaged infrastructure and addressing the trauma caused by this horrific attack.
It is easy to make your donation by credit card when you visit our safe and secure website: Just use the tab Donate, then Select Fund, and choose Israeli Social Services and Disaster Relief from the drop-down option. If you prefer to donate with a check, send your donation, marked for Israel Special Appeal, to: Tacoma Jewish Community Fund P.O. Box 64831 University Place, WA 98464
Or you can call Judith Florence at (253) 752-3621 to donate by credit card, if you prefer.
Want to Know the Hebrew Date? Well now you can with a very special calendar created for Temple Beth El for the New Year 5784. The brainchild of past congregant David Nemetz, these calendars include Jewish recipes for every month of the Jewish year! The photographs are colorful, crisp, and clear and everyone has been very amused and inspired by the recipes. They are available for pick-up at the front table when you come into the temple. All temple members get one free calendar per household. Each family name is labeled on a large white envelope with your calendar inside. At the back of the tubs (after the letter “Z”), there are additional calendars for sale for $8 each. Buy one, (or ten!), for family and friends. You can leave your $8 donation in the manila envelope provided. Mazel tov to everyone who contributed recipes, helped develop and make the calendars, and prepared them for distribution.
If you attend Saturday services online and wish to purchase your own copy of the Mishkan T'filah (the prayer book used at our Shabbat services), the Judaica Shop has them in stock! Come and check out our new Pride items and sale table.
Submitting an event or announcement to Shabbat Shalom
If you have an item you would like included in this weekly bulletin, please email it to olivia@tbetacoma.orgby noon on Wednesday. Submissions must adhere to the guidelines, which may be found here.
For the URJ's transliteration guidelines,click here. Please note that submissions that do not follow these guidelines may not be accepted.
To have a copy of the guidelines emailed to you, simply reply to this email with a message to that effect.