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February 24, 2022

02/25/2022 11:39:31 AM


February 24, 2022 | 23 Adar I 5782
Volume 20, Number 8

Torah Portion:

Exodus 36:20–38:20

Exodus 30:11–30:16

II Kings 12:5–12:16

Shabbat Candle Lighting:
5:31 p.m.
Celebrate Shabbat with Us:

Friday Erev Shabbat Service:
6:00 p.m. (In-person and virtual)

Saturday Torah Study:
9:00 a.m. (Zoom only)

Saturday Shabbat Service:
10:00 a.m. (Zoom)


What's happening at TBE?

Friday: Erev Shabbat Service (In-Person and Virtual)
Friday, February 25, 6:00 p.m.

Join us online or in person for an evening Shabbat service. A digital version of the Orders of Worship is available every Friday on the Stream Services page.

This service will be led by Rabbi Tiwy and Cantor Fine.

Live streaming services:

  • The Erev Shabbat Facebook event can be found here.
  • You can watch services on the TBE YouTube channel here.
  • The streaming player for online services can be found on our website here (click "play" and this feature will work after services begin).

Saturday: Torah study and Shabbat service (Zoom)
Saturday, February 26, 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Our Saturday worship experience begins with Torah Study from 9:00–9:45 a.m. followed by services beginning at 10:00 a.m., on Zoom. All are invited!
Link to Shabbat morning Torah study and Shabbat service Zoom meeting:

Havdalah (Zoom)
Saturday, February 26, 7:30 p.m.
Please celebrate Zoom Havdalah here.
Zoom Meeting ID: 320 3406 647.
What will I need?
Just yourself! However, if you would like to participate in blessings at home, Havdalah blessings are said over wine, besamim (fragrant spices), and a braided Havdalah candle.
What if I don't have those things?
If you don't have a Havdalah candle at home, you can use two candles (or even two matches) joining the flames as the blessing is recited. And if you do not have wine, it can be substituted with something you might use to celebrate or offer to a guest, perhaps coffee or tea. And, most importantly, if you don't have any of these things, just come to say blessings and be together. You can find the Havdalah blessings here.
Questions? Contact Stacy Van Wagoner through Facebook Messenger or at



The following names will be read at services on Friday, February 25 and Saturday, February 26. May their memories be for a blessing.

Mary Abrams, Sima Bela Abrashen, Sidney Berman, Harold Binder, Harry Bornstein, William Brown, Maxine Carlisle, Alvin Cohn, Carol Friedman Fine, Erwin Fisher, Robert Florence, Ben Freedman, Lisa Ann Genberg, Charles Aaron Gordon, Joseph Gorfinkle, Ruby Kahn, Elizabeth Kessler, Agnes Krause, John Leary, Sigrid Ella Anna Edith Mayr, Mary Margaret McCloy, Shirley Schlussel, Betty Schlussel, Shirley Sherzer, Isidore Simon, Rebecca "Betty" Simon, Pessi Hannah Sussman, Lipman Sussman, Angelika Tiwy, Robert Michael Tone, Irving Walker, Elsa Warnick, Kopel Weinstone, Geta Sarra Zhukovskiy


Upcoming Events

Religious Education Committee Meeting (Zoom)
Sunday, February 27, 11:30 a.m. 

All are invited to attend the Religious Education Committee meeting coming up this Sunday. Click here to join, or use the information below.
Meeting ID: 867 8483 2802
Passcode: 366779

The Annual Membership Meeting for the Home of Peace Cemetery Association (Zoom)
Sunday, February 27, 12:30 p.m.

Attention Home of Peace members—the Annual Membership Meeting for the Home of Peace Cemetery Association will be held virtually, via Zoom, on Sunday, February 27, at 12:30 p.m. If you need the Zoom link, please contact This meeting will include a review of the past year’s activities; news of how a successful grant request will shape HOP’s plans for the coming year; and, election of several board positions. All members of the Home of Peace are encouraged to attend.



Stitch and Kvetch
Calling all crafters! Temple Beth El is starting a weekly Stitch and Kvetch group on Wednesday afternoons from 3:00–5:00 p.m. beginning March 2 (in-person). If you crochet, knit, embroider, quilt, macramé, or do any other type of needlecraft, please join us. Bring your current project and your supplies and spread out on provided tables. No signup is required, just come as you are and show off that project you hoped to finish during quarantine. If there is enough interest, the group may also work on some charitable projects. For more information or to RSVP contact Julia Walsh at Masks and proof of COVID-19 vaccination are required.

Adult Education Simcha Sessions Registration
Registration is now open for the free Simcha Sunday sessions, part of the spring semester of adult education. The sessions take place on Sundays from 1:00–2:00 p.m. beginning on March 6. This series of short workshops celebrates the many joys of being Jewish. Please note the time change to 1:00 p.m. to allow for better social distancing. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, Rabbi Tiwy’s opening workshop—Don’t Worry, Be Happy—will be virtual only, followed by other multi-access classes. Click here for the full schedule and to register. Registration is required. All workshops are free and donations are welcomed.

Jewish & New-ish: A Supportive Online Space for Those Who Have Recently (0-5 Years) Converted to Judaism 
Have you converted to Judaism in the past five years? Drop-in to the URJ's monthly online gathering where you can make connections, process your experiences, and learn with others in this safe space offered through a Reform Jewish lens (for more information, go here). Ask questions without fear, share triumphs and challenges in a nurturing environment, and continue to explore your journey with Judaism in a community of care. Thursdays, 5:00-6:00 p.m. RSVP here for March 10; RSVP here for April 14; RSVP here May 5.  

Guided Tour of Israel  
Experience a live, guided tour of Israel in real-time from the comfort of your home! See the sights, explore places we read about in the Jewish Bible, discover the unique ways holidays are celebrated in Israel, and encounter diverse communities who make Israel their home. Designed especially for first-time “visitors” to Israel. Sundays, March 13, 20, 27, from 12:00-1:30 p.m. Cost: $75. Learn more and register here.

Tikkun Olam—AIDNW/JCIJ

Advocates for Immigrant Justice and Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Justice are collaborating to put together a program to feed newly released detainees from detention. Needed for TBE's involvement in the program:

  • Money or donations for 20 sack lunches by the first Thursday in April and the first Thursday of each month thereafter.
  • Two to three shoppers with all needed items brought to the TBE social hall by the second Thursday of each month. These items must be non-perishable and must last from the Monday delivery time through Thursday of that week. In addition, foods must be able to pass TSA screening, so no liquids or gooey foods. Some food suggestions are: wrapped peanut butter crackers, cheese and crackers, granola bars, packaged nuts, dried fruit, trail mix, jerky, apples, and clementines.  
  • Two to three people to fill 20 sacks with above items in the Temple Beth El social hall.
  • One person each month to deliver 20 sack lunches to AIDNW Detention Center in Tacoma on the second Monday of each month.

For more information or to volunteer, please email Mady Plumer at



Shir Chadash II Campaign Reminder
The Shir Chadash II Campaign allows our community to retain Cantor Fine as our valued clergy member and secures a rich, musical future for Temple Beth El. For more information on this fundraiser, the Shir Chadash Endowment, and to make a pledge or contribution, please go here. Though the fund will remain open for contributions in the future, we ask that contributions or pledges be secured by March 2, so we are able to make projections for the upcoming year. Please email Stacy Van Wagoner at with any questions or call (503) 423-7348.

Sisterhood 15th Annual Mishloach Manot
Attention TBE members! There is less than a week left to place your mishloach manot order for Purim. If you haven't placed your order yet, you will soon receive another email from with your unique login code.
For those who have their login code and haven't signed into Happy Purim yet, visit and enter the first three letters of your last name and the login code that was emailed to you and a detailed list of instructions will appear. You can also print and fill out a paper form here and simply mail or bring it to the temple office with your check made payable to TBE Sisterhood.
The funds collected from this annual (and Sisterhood's only) fundraiser help support our wonderful religious school students and staff, programming, and the TBE General Fund (often for the kitchen and building), just to name a few.
For questions or assistance with mishloach manot, contact Lara Cooper at or (206) 992-5863. For ordering questions and assistance, including login code retrieval, contact Rebecca Kendziora at or (253) 209-2348 (texting okay).

Rabbi Emeritus Bruce Kadden of TBE and Dr. Bonnie Becker of UW Tacoma Participate in Paw'D Defiance
In the February 18 episode of Paw'D Defiance, Rabbi Bruce Kadden and Associate Professor Bonnie Becker talk about what it means to be Jewish. The conversation includes a brief overview of some of the basic tenets of the religion. Also discussed are anti-Semitism, its history and why this hatred of Jewish people persists to this day. Finally, Dr. Becker talks about why she decided to publish an op-ed about the Whoopi Goldberg controversy. Check out the episode here!

TBE Beit Sefer Religious School
Classes return to regular virtual times. Start getting your costumes ready—our next in-person event will be our Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 13. 

Hebrew School
Beginning and Intermediate classes have moved back to the temple social hall. Students and teachers will be masked at all times. Please be respectful of your student’s class start and end times. 

Religious School Reminder
Effective January 2, 2022, all children ages 5+ must have proof of full COVID-19 vaccination on file to attend in-person classes or activities. To submit proof of vaccination for your child, you may email a copy or photo of their record to Olivia at

Judaica Shop Hours

  • Wednesdays: 3:30–5:30 p.m.
  • Fridays: 7:00–7:30 p.m. (before services) and 5:30–6:00 p.m. (before early service–last Friday of the month)
  • By appointment by emailing

Contact the Clergy 
If you have a question or concern you would like to share with the clergy, please email Rabbi Tiwy at or Cantor Fine at


Tachlis (the bottom line)

Submitting an event or announcement to Shabbat Shalom 

If you have an item you would like included in this weekly bulletin, please email it to by noon on Wednesday. Submissions must adhere to the guidelines, which may be found here.

For the URJ's transliteration guidelines,
click here. Please note that submissions that do not follow these guidelines may not be accepted.

Thu, January 30 2025 1 Sh'vat 5785